Mark Halpert

Tales and Tribulations

Location: Berkeley, California, United States

Saturday, June 24, 2006


The solstice signals change here in Berkeley as I review a packing list for Tanzania and a list of clients (I have clients?) to make sure that everything is under control prior to my 2 month hiatus.

It's summer now and I'm looking forward to this long anticipated summer vacation. It's Liz's last summer of Med/Grad school before heading into the hospital for untold hours at a time. She still has work to do in Africa though, writing her thesis on the missing children of El Salvador. In Tanzania, my short term agenda is drums and beach. I also look forward to meeting the people and animals of east Africa.

It's been an exciting few months, getting a consulting practice started and for the first time ever, being in a band. The consulting has grown out of my desire for a variety of work and a flexible schedule, combined with the common need that people have for better accounting systems. It's fun to help people and I'm finding it a lot more fun to have clients than a boss.

The band is great - I'd go see us! ;) The musicians are excellent and I'm having a lot of fun. To read about us and hear some Caravan (our name), click here.

That's it for now. Happy Summer everyone!